The Pretend Fitness Thread


Admins, do the needful here.

The big boys race goes near it, but not past it.

cc @anon26343222

I hope thats not the missus giving birth?

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Don’t agree with anyone carrying phones in a gym or ipads. It fucks with your recovery. And ya can’t be focused if you walking around with them. I’m not going to even begin on the whole shoe situation.

For tunes pal…Have a pouch in front of hoody to carry it…it’s important that I let the internet know I’m in the gym.

You must be 15 stone?

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Almos but I can’t quite get up to it. Going heavy for another couple of weeks. Then cardio city…

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I’m walking like John Wayne after he was rode by his horse after that leg session

cc @TheUlteriorMotive

TG4 never seem to show those Westerns.

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I’m 18 hours into a 24 hour fast. The clarity of thought is unreal.

I’ll do an Animal Flow® session this afternoon.


Good man. I’m starting intermittent again Monday.

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Also, one of the best detoxifying things you can do is grape diet for 3-5 days… Nothing but red grapes.

Would just drinking wine for 5 days give yo similar reservatol benefits.

Smashing morning in the Cooley Mountains for the Cooley Legends Half marathon. First ‘race’ I’ve done in a while where my ankles were fully intact at the end. Probably helped that I was going a snail’s pace in fairness but enjoyed it all. Walked the last big climb. Didn’t have it in me. Calves were cramping a bit but I rediscovered my downhill mojo towards the end, flying over rocks and passing a good number of runners on the trail…first time in ages that nobody passed me ln the downhills. Six cold beers in fridge…it’s good to be alive


What are you thinking about? Food I’d say?

Easy enough with a few espressos. Funnily enough you don’t get that hungry until you eat.

Have done 16/18 hour fasts regular enough recently. Savage productivity during it. Planning a weekend fast at some stage soon to reach proper autophagil state.

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Have you been giving all your dinners to conor whelan?