The Pretend Fitness Thread

Im crippled myself. It’s an awful toll on the body.



Well done @tassotti

Is one a year manageable?

Ah I’m 42 there in a few weeks and I said to myself “what am I at?” There today with 3 miles to go. There’s only so many times you can go to the well. Of course on Tuesday morning I’ll sign up for another one


Some lads are built to do multiple marathons, others not. You wont know what category you fall into untill you get through a training cycle and run it. Ive never felt physical pain like the last 10k of a marathon.


I can imagine, running for a time is hard on the body no matter the distance, I’d be in far more pain after a 5k parkrun than I would after 15 miles at 8 minute pace

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I couldn’t face into it.

Can you take it? That is the question I like asking myself

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Pure wanker carry on.

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Its the only place certain fellas can ask themselves difficult questions and get answers so I say fair enough.


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Lads running, for 3 hours, to wind up back where they started. All to prove some point to themselves.

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Just like most of the threads on here.


Would you ever make your bed?

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You are falling into using the phone in the gym more and more pal.

Bí curamach.

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There’s a wan in here doing nothing but glute work for an hour… She has an arse on her like nothing you’ve seen. You could bounce a 50p coin off it.

Longer work outs.

Rarely. I could pick it up over my head if I wanted.

That’d be weird though, so I don’t.

She must be training for the new Pairc in July.