The Puke has lost it

Could this be the one who is not to be spoken of?

look who i coming to protect his bitches honour…surprised it took you so long dickhead

Gman - you have mine and Pikemans email address - I think you should send on the email for some more eyes to see…

on its way mac.

This is great fun lads. Haven’t a clue what’s going on but just like when I watched Twin Peaks or Lost, am going to pretend that I am in the know.

[B]Looks like the Puke or somebody else has obviously set up the fake address as it is taken.

This is a serious case of identity theft and I plain simply refuse to have my excellent reputation in the trust and friendship department tarnished be it in my professional life or on an internet forum. With Puke pretending to be me on a yahoo e-mail address this thing has gone beyond a joke and it is getting serious. Pretending that I e-mailed him photos of Flano is a bit of craic fair enough but what happens if he starts sending illigal imagery around and people think that’s its actually me.

I’m going to E-mail Yahoo management for advice on this, until then I will not post on this thread and I will delete all my previous posts on this thread.

In the meantime I think that this thread should be locked or deleted as the joke is over as far as I’m concerned.[/B]

I’ll take an email at my freekick address please folks:

[quote=“BenShermin”][B]Looks like the Puke has obviously set up the fake address as it is taken.

This is a serious case of identity theft and I plain simply refuse to have my excellent reputation in the trust and friendship department tarnished be it in my professional life or on an internet forum. With Puke pretending to be me on a yahoo e-mail address this thing has gone beyond a joke and it is getting serious. Pretending that I e-mailed him photos of Flano is a bit of craic fair enough but what happens if he starts sending illigal imagery around and people think that’s its actually me.

I’m going to E-mail Yahoo management for advice on this, until then I will not post on this thread and I will delete all my previous posts on this thread.

i didn’t set up the e mail address but if it isnt you the the perpetrator should be caught…

In the meantime I think that this thread should be locked or deleted as the joke is over as far as I’m concerned.[/B][/quote]

i didn’t set up the e mail address but if it isnt you the the perpetrator should be caught…who snt me the pm’s so ben…has someone else your log in for here also…

I’m speechless

[quote=“The Puke”]to whom it may concern…i have some corroborating evidence here…

----- Original Message ----
From: ********
Sent: Thursday, 12 August, 2008 4:41:17 PM
Subject: flano

what do you have for me ben

I have a good few photo’s of flano and can fill you in on his back ground. Sick of him and his cock of the walk around the place.

I have included a few of the photo’s in an attachment. If this gets out I am denying all knowledge of it, you better not sell me out on this one pukey or the shit will hit the fan.

don’t worry ben your secret is safe with me…can’t wait to receive a few more photo’s…how the blog going…[/quote]

Flano is a cock there’s no denying that but he keeps him self to him self generally.

Shermin you are a low life back stabbing fucking weasel. A dirty little gutter snipe who’s DNA should be wiped clean from society. If you had a problem with Flano you should have done the manly thing and say it after a skin full. Shafting him to the person he hates most on this board speaks volumes about your character, or lack of it i should say.

[quote=“BenShermin”][B]Looks like the Puke has obviously set up the fake address as it is taken.

This is a serious case of identity theft and I plain simply refuse to have my excellent reputation in the trust and friendship department tarnished be it in my professional life or on an internet forum. With Puke pretending to be me on a yahoo e-mail address this thing has gone beyond a joke and it is getting serious. Pretending that I e-mailed him photos of Flano is a bit of craic fair enough but what happens if he starts sending illigal imagery around and people think that’s its actually me.

I’m going to E-mail Yahoo management for advice on this, until then I will not post on this thread and I will delete all my previous posts on this thread.

In the meantime I think that this thread should be locked or deleted as the joke is over as far as I’m concerned.[/B][/quote]

Eh, is the address not taken by you Shermin? Isn’t that the whole point of the thread? You sending photos to Puke from it.

Let us know how you get on with Yahoo by the way:

Shermin: There’s someone pretending to be me.
Yahoo: Who are you?
Shermin: Ben Shermin.
Yahoo: Ah right so.
Shermin: But someone set up an email address using a variation of this name.
Yahoo: And that’s your real name, is it?
Shermin: No.
Yahoo: And you have some kind of patent or contract to stop people from setting us email addresses that contain the word ‘Shermin’, do you?
Shermin: No.
Yahoo: Stop wasting my time and stop sending The Puke pictures of Flano in the nip. please lads.

runtymacrunt at please!

i have kindly asked g man not to send any e mails until we get to the bottom of this…whether it was shermin or did someone impersonate him for to act the bollocks…i sure hope it is the former otherwise we have one sick son of a bitch around the place…

feel free to make sweeping accusations about any member of the forum here…i reckon it was farmer as he has been blaming shermin for this since it broke…

Cheers for the email gman. Was doubting you there for a while Puke but you indeed have them by the balls.

in fairness you couldn’t make this shit up…

It wasnt Ben. Puke come clean on whats going on here please. thanks!

flano i am as lost as you are…i have 2 private messages in my inbox from shermin and 4 e mails from him off that address…i was always under the impression it was him…sure what else was i/am i to think…

gripping drama of Summer bay standard.

I honestly dont know whats going to happen next.