The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

Fucking chancers

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What’s the EU’s issue here? If the UK were willing to take the risk with less data the EU surely can’t expect to jump the queue ahead of the UK now that they’re satisfied the vaccine is safe.

The EU paid AZ large sums of money to 1. Get the vaccine to completion and 2. Stockpile it for them to be ready when it was approved

There was supposed to be a warehouse full of it ready to rock, but John Bull has it all pilfered

Because the EU were gamed.

If the vaccine had been approved at the same time in the EU as the U.K., the EU would have got more doses. The EMA were criticised for being slow on Pfizer and I agree on that, but the reality is that AZ didn’t put in their application until just over 2 weeks ago, after it had been approved in the U.K.

There were some strange quotes from the EMA a few weeks ago on not receiving all of the data and waiting for the application.

Even aside from the doses going out, at least if the EU had known then on the over 65s they could have changed the Pfizer and Moderna rollout to focus on older people earlier.

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They can’t expect the UK to hand it over when they took the risk of approving it quicker. I’m assuming the UK govt stumped up some cash too?

I’d agree with that, the U.K. have as much right to be pissed if they don’t theirs as anyone.

Statistics as of today in terms of % of population vaccinated:

Israel 49%
UAE 28%
UK 11%
US 7%
EU average 2%

A useless shower of bureaucrats lads, been telling you for years.


They were all laughing at John Bull pulling out of the EU procurement process last June, who is laughing now,?Fritz is going ape trying to blacken the AZ vaccine and spreading dangerous lies

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Loads of reports of side effects from Israel. Pictures below of some of them.


Israel’s 7 day average for deaths is now 61 (using the average as they seem to be reporting deaths in lumps). It has increased but doesnt seem to have exploded in the same manner as the rate in most nations. This should really start to decrease in the coming weeks

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You would hope so or we are in for forever lockdown.

You’ve just picked the only 4 countries in the World who are ahead of the EU at the same time.

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The EU has higher GDP per capita than the US, and you pay significantly more in tax. Surely you should be getting better value for money?

Great news: Novavax just after showing to be 90% efficacy after phase 3 trials.
Bad new: Its made in UK and Boris has an order for 60 million doses in.

They must be already near or past the point where they’ve more vaccines than patients

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In all fairness the EU has made some bollix of vaccine procurement. The one proper job they’ve had to do in 70 years and they’ve made a pigs Mickey of it.


Would never have happened on big Phil’s watch.

This thing “oh how could little old Ireland compete with Germany, France, Italy etc for vaccines, we’re lucky to be part of the EU Purchasing programme” is some load of nonsense.

We’re as rich as any of them and only need a handful of vaccines really in relative terms.


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Who knew adding several layers of bureaucracy to an already too bureaucratic system would be bad?