The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

European Research Group just after breaking up after emergency meeting. Major Captain Smithers urging Boris to declare immediate war on EU and bomb Berlin before nightfall.

Was on the phone with my mamma last night and she is all set for the vaccine, she said Pappa is being stubborn and doesnā€™t think he needs it. Anyway I have to book them in for it today.


Hope all goes well mate. It will hopefully give them a bit of peace.

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Oh fuckā€¦ I hate being right here.


So it raises big question marks over Britainā€™s vaccination drive?

Presumably down in the free state now they will preserve all Pfizer/Moderna for auld ones and horse the Oxford Az into the younger folk?

The next 5 years will tell a lot.

We should have rugby football effectively killed off by then.

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A price everyone is willing to pay


The comments section there has a helluva lot of very angry Brexiteers.

Sure it makes no odds. Use those vaccines to jab people under 65 at risk, teachers, essential workers etc. Thereā€™s a lot more under 65 than over.
Thatā€™s if we even follow the Germans

Are the Germans playing politics here?

According to the internet. 12% of the free state population is over 65.

So thatā€™s around 1m doses needed of Pfizer/Moderna to vaccinate the elderly.

Plus the same again for vulnerable u-65s, nurses, doctors, frontline workers etc.

I reckon roughly 1m people or 2million doses total is the magic number

You can horse in the Oxford AZ to them ones though.

Absolutely. Pack em and stack em

Once Mark MacSharry has come back from space on the sputnik with the KKK vaccine weā€™ll be hard bet


Why we havenā€™t had Klan in these here parts since, oh I dunno, 1795 I guess

What is it you think you are right about?

Donā€™t think so, I think AZ have been playing silly on this one tbh.

They delayed their application to the EMA for weeks and weeks. Why? Because I assume they knew that their data was limited, sure the US were miffed by what they were at;

But in the United States, where regulators have been frustrated with AstraZeneca and want to examine data from a greater number of participants, that approval appears further off.

AZ wanted the UK to be their Israel, where they had lovely mass rollout data. The UK were more amendable to less data & added to that, AZ like everyone else knew that scaling up production would be a challenge.

So they delayed their application to the EU, starting horsing out the supply chain in the UK which included doses from Europe.

Iā€™m sure they hoped in the interim time that emerging data from the UK, where they have mass vaccinations, along with the US trials would result in the EMAā€™s concerns being allayed. And by that time, I assume they hoped the plants would be throwing out what the EU needed.

I can understand why the EU are livid.

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