The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

So it works in 85% of cases of a disease with a 99.96% survival rate based on a test which at 45 cycles gives 97% false positives.

According to my calculations it’s 99.999932% a cod

Horse it into me. Ill star in the bleeding edge 2 and all.

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Presumably the EU would argue under the contract that delay in approval is no reason that the vaccines shouldn’t have been stacking up in warehouses somewhere.

Clearly, along the line for contractual or other reasons they decided to prioritise supplying the UK.

The “best efforts” argument seems very weak. If all customers were seeing a similar reduction percentage-wise then maybe it would have some merit but clearly that’s not the case.

Anyway - AZ acted in bad faith - I suppose the question is what action does the EU take to rectify it as much as possible and what punitive actions can they take.

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It’s all over.

Lock the thread.

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Luke and the lads are suddenly cashing in their chips just as the public cop on

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Luke has been very positive about all the vaccine news in fairness. Can’t compare him to Ryan, McDonkey, etc.

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Summer is very much ON!

Guys. Can someone hold Donnelly to account? The AZ shortfall isn’t all that bad, it’s only 300,000 doses. No reason why we can’t have over 70s done by end March. Think it was 1.4 million to get over 65s.

“It means that instead of 1.4 million vaccinations being delivered in total for the first quarter, there is likely to be 1.1 million doses.”


We did it bro :pint:


His brains are scrambled.

Here we go, here we go, here we go again…


Oh Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Oh Ohhhhhhh Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


you have to laugh at the totally useless EU, the supposedly masters of negotiation, taken to the cleaners by Boris Johnson twice in the space of a few months, first by Brexit and now with the Astra Zeneca contractual negotiations. The germans throwing the toys out of the pram now

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Today is our Independence day.

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1.1m is 550,000. When you take out essential workers and healthcare workers, you probably aren’t getting all the over 70s done.

Doesn’t seem clear though if the extra Pfizer doses are included there. Also the the EU are spending more for Moderna, I assume extra is coming for Q1 if we are paying premium prices…?

A pint of Sputnik Light there, Vladimir.

I’m not ashamed to admit I cried after reading that. We’re nearly there.

Vaccines will be the new craft beers.