The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

Do you remember when they were slagging off Boris for not joining up with the EU to order the vacccines? And the Guardian was giving Boris grief, saying heā€™d been ripped off as heā€™d gone it alone. Whoā€™s laughing now. Not me I can tell you. This shambles could cost me my marriage.

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Ah sure look itā€™s only the first marriage. Thereā€™s plenty more where that came from.

Itā€™s coming guys. Youā€™ve done great.

Fritz has John Bull badly rattled here

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Iā€™m going to get the Chinese one. Who better to create a vaccine than the guys that invented it

Things are heating up

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Arlene is seething

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So now AZ canā€™t send vaccines from the place where they donā€™t have any vaccines, to the place where they have loads of vaccines :joy: crippling for them Iā€™d say

Hermann is fucking seething.

Itā€™s bad when she has to use bunting from the 12th to supplement her dress making allowance

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EMA has approved Oxford vaccine. For ALL age groups. Herman is seething

So is Jim

Jim is permanently seething.

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The UK banned export of certain Covid drugs to EU months ago.

I wonder what there ā€˜next stepsā€™ will be. I mean would they go so far as a strongly worded email to Ursala? Things would really start kicking off then

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Time for the UVF to dust off their tank tops and gold earrings.

Johnny Adair is getting the steroids


The uncle rang the mother last night, ā€œdid you hear the nazis are trying to ban over 65s getting the vaccineā€œ.


The EU are like the jilted wife at home cutting her husbandā€™s clothes up with a scissors.


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