The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

In England they are already wondering when can crowds start coming back to sports games.

In Ireland we are still obsessing over made up cases numbers.

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Philip Nolan was on Newstalk yesterday saying we need 70% of the population vaccinated before we can have mass gatherings at sporting events etc

We should have that by September if not sooner…

Germany may use Russian and Chinese vaccines, regional leaders say

Fran Lawther

Germany may consider using Russian and Chinese vaccines in an effort to boost levels of vaccination in the country, regional leaders have suggested.

In a sign of how much pressure the country’s political leaders are under amid a stalling vaccine rollout, Bavaria’s minister president Markus Soeder said Germany should look at approving Sputnik V and Sinovac jabs.

On Monday morning, his Brandenburg counterpart Dietmar Woidke agreed that Germany could look at vaccines from other countries.

He told German state broadcaster ARD that those vaccines would have to pass regulatory assessments first ‘and maybe that can be done as quickly as it was for BioNTech and other vaccines’. “I think it is necessary and possible to assess these vaccines if they are available. And if they are safe and work then they should be used.”

Its almost like now is the time to relax and wait.

What a February 1st it is lads. We’re flying it.


I’d bet we will find it is lower.

Late last week, Fauci told the New York Times that new science had changed his thinking on the herd immunity threshold – but he also admitted that his statements were influenced in part by “his gut feeling that the country is finally ready to hear what he really thinks.”

Specifically, the fraction of people who would need immunity to SARS-CoV-2 (either through vaccination or recovery from prior infection) to extinguish the spread of the virus was initially estimated to be 60% to 70%. In recent weeks, Fauci had raised the percentage: from 70% to 75%, and then to 75%, 80%, and 85%.

Allow me to quote verbatim from the article, titled “How Much Herd Immunity Is Enough?”:

“When polls said only about half of all Americans would take a vaccine, I was saying herd immunity would take 70 to 75 percent,” Fauci said. “Then, when newer surveys said 60 percent or more would take it, I thought, ‘I can nudge this up a bit,’ so I went to 80, 85.”

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Seems very scientific

That’s laughable

It’s a good article actually, speaks to a lot of the issues NPHET have had in trying to game numbers and gradually losing trust.

Moving of the goalposts seems endemic in the science community.

Sure we were flattening a curve initially

It’s like the way after the vaccine developed that stories about antibodies disappearing started to go away.

We will hear more about pre existing T Cell immunity in the future as that is allowed.

Have to keep gaming the dumb public until then…


Was out in the car there earlier listening to Clare Byrne who had an immunologist on. This lady was of the view that the Chinese vaccine is a game changer.

You’d want your head examined to take a Chinese vaccine. They are the sole cause of this sorry mess.

They’ve destroyed the whole world now for 12 months and now they’d produced this magical vaccine they want us to buy off them to sort out this sorry mess.

You literally couldn’t make it up. They’ll end up profiting from the whole thing if they haven’t already. Any government that buys a vaccine of the Chinese deserves a new deadly strain to rip through their country.


Need to keep the worry index high.

The HSE/gov should be planning for massive rollouts in Apr/May/Jun now with the amount of vaccines available. Should def be hitting 2-3m fully vaccinated by June/July.

Listen, you either want a solution to this or not. Fall in.

What would the adult population be in the Free State? 4m? Less?

Once you have 3m vaccinated with two jabs it’s game over really if the vaccine is a success.

Uptake of the vaccine will probably be 75-80% you’d anyway.

By the projected figures you’d imagine that the FS will be getting the 5-6m jabs needed received by the end of June?

If the Chinese vaccine is proven to work as well and as safely as the other ones governments would be stupid not to use it.

That’s what they are using in Dubai