The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

Serbia is firing ahead with the Russian and Chinese vaccines. If it works it works.

The Chinese, a great bunch of jabs

So going by that about 80% is aged 15+


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You can plan for the League in spring 2022.

Forget about this year.

So in terms of vaccinations.

We should have probably enough to have had circa 500k fully vaccinated by the end of March.

After that you are probably looking at the following supply in Q2:

Pfizer 1.5m - another 750k fully vaccinated (might be optimistic there as I’m working off current supply @ 50k p/w for 13 weeks plus additional 800k+ promised in Q2)
Moderna - 100k - another 50k vaccinated (Possibly cautious figure here - I think current supply is around 5k a week so I’m estimating 8k p/w @ 13 weeks in Q2)
Oxford AZ -1m - another 500k done (again possibly cautious here as this could be double that amount if the shortfall is made up)
J&J - 160K - another 160k here as one jab (hard to guage but I’ve estimated 20k p/w @ 8 weeks)
Curevac - 40k - another 20k here (Estimating 10k pw @ 4 weeks)

So if that is the ball park it would suggest that another 1.5m people should be fully vaccinated by the end of June/ early July which added to 500k by end of March should have circa 50% of the adult population with their vaccines.

I don’t bother with League games.

I prefer days of thunder at Croke Park in mid summer and Club Championship knock out ties from September onwards.

Surely J&J will sort us with way more than 160k in Q2?

John Bull’s excess supplier remains the key I’d say. He should be done sometime in April.

Probably only likely to be approved sometime in April I’d estimate so may not be delivered until May.

They have pledged 200m by the end of the year though for the EU which alone is enough to vaccinate close to 50% of the population.

It looks like Pfizer and AZ are the front runners for Europe on this. Pfizer seem to have their house in order now and should start ramping up in 2 weeks time. A lot depends on AZ.

I really have no idea on what Moderna’s role will be.

John Bull will only be administering the second jabs in April. Mamma and Pappa are in Thursday but not due their second jab until April.

Surely the Chinese vaccine is the one to get?
They invented it so they’ll know how to fix it.

They are having pool parties in Wuhan while we are hiding under bed.


They are also subjecting people to anal swabbing.

Actually, where are the Japanese on vaccines? You’d expect them to have been the first to develop one and be firing it into people.

The Japanese make televisions and cars.

Lads screaming that we’d be years finding a vaccine and that we should just let the virus rip through have called this horribly horibly wrong.

" Congressman Stephen Lynch, a Democrat from Massachusetts, tested positive for COVID-19 on Friday after receiving the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine earlier this month. Lynch is one of several members of Congress who have tested positive for the virus in recent weeks."

Ye sure these vaccines arent a cod?

Well over 10% of the population will have antibodies at this stage as well, remember.

Nobody called for letting it rip.

Sadly these lockdowns have caused damage that will take decades to overcome.

Ah they do but half of these will probably be those vaccinated.

Once we get to April, the vulnerable population should have been vaccinated long enough for the vaccine to have taken effect.

Providing the vaccine works, we’ll also know by then from the results in Israel.

They’re lashing out the pints in the Isle of Mann.