The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

The lads who were terrified of Covid like @mikehunt and @carryharry are like the husband in this scene. They’ll have to live with their over reaction and hysteria when it’s all over

Force Majeure Avalanche Clip - YouTube


I wouldn’t.


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Checked to here so.

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And they have up to ten times the number of fatalities of those they have land borders with, who did introduce lockdowns. I’m not sure I can explain it any clearer for you.

I urged patience from the start and had faith that scientists across the globe would work together to find a timely resolution to the problem.

Ok so you are still insisting on being a hypcorite.

You only want to compare Sweden with countries it has a land border with but want to compare NZ with countries half the world away.

Bizarre logic.

As I’ve said numerous times, it’s the Swedish government that are comparing themselves to coutries they have land borders with. They could compare themselves to say the UK or Italy or Belgium and they would come to the incorrect conclusion that they are doing quite well or as you like to label it, “midtable” when it comes to deaths.

Conveniently, you refuse to list who are top of the European table when it comes to lowest number of fataliities. If you did you would notice that they are the likes of Denmark, Norway, Finland, neighbours of Sweden. Many variables as to why Sweden have fared so badly but the Swedish goverment believe the elephant in the room is Tegnell’s failed approach whom they have gently sidelined.

As you have said numerous times, it’s ok to compare NZ with countries halfway across the world but not ok to compare Sweden with countries a hundred mile across the sea.

We get it, you’re a hypocrite.

Sweden have fared far better off than countries who have had draconian lockdowns - odd, isn’t it?


If by “better” you mean they have had higher fatalities then yes, they have fared better.

Despite enjoying the same geoghrapical advantages of their neighbours who are bottom for fatalities, per capita they are in the top 33% for fatalaties in Europe. You would have to say that is quite an achievement.

Incorrect Sweden is around midtable in Europe when it comes to fatalities and has fared an awful lot better than countries that have had draconian lockdowns.

You just like to ignore facts, which is why you only want to selectively compare Sweden

Is that your own spreadsheet?

Pretty sure he never mentioned anything of the sort.

Just one I threw together in a few minutes from my dataset.

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“getting vaccinated is an emotional moment” Matt Hancock

Statistic: Incidence of coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths in the European Economic Area and the United Kingdom as of January 24, 2021, by country (per 100,000 population) | Statista
Find more statistics at Statista

Could you please adjust those numbers to correct for age profile?

You want me to factor deaths so that they’re adjusted for age?

So a person over 90+ counts as 0.2 of a death, 80 =0.4 etc?

Good point. Maybe you could put together a ‘years of life lost’ graph?

You once shined so brightly.