The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

That’s not dealing with the question though.

I’m laughing at the sheer arrogance of it. You’ve proposed it numerous times

Consider the logistics.

You expect carers who aren’t on a whole pile of money to be expected to up sticks and move to some remote nursing home, just because they’ve had covid. Really?

Or do you think the ratio of nursing home carers who’ve had covid to nursing homes in the location is perfect?

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But Covid has got into pretty much every nursing home in Ireland. This was based on Wave 1 alone.

  • Completed surveys were returned from twenty-eight nursing homes, representing 2,043 residents. Three-quarters (21/28) of these nursing homes had a COVID-19 outbreak.

COVID-19 in Nursing Home Residents:

  • 40.8% of residents in nursing homes with COVID-19 outbreaks had laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 infection and an additional 3.1% had clinically suspected infection
  • 27.2% of residents with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 were asymptomatic
  • Case-fatality rate was 27.6%

COVID-19 in Nursing Home Staff:

  • Ten nursing homes with COVID-19 outbreaks returned information on total staffing levels
  • 32.2% of staff in these nursing homes had laboratory-confirmed COVID-19.
  • 24.6% of this group were asymptomatic

Impact of COVID-19-outbreak timing:

  • Median time from the first confirmed COVID-19 case in Ireland to the first case in included nursing homes was used to distinguish between ‘early’ (<28 days) and ‘late’ (≥28 days) outbreaks
  • Similar proportions of residents developed COVID-19 in ‘early’ and ‘late’ (45.4% vs 42.1%) outbreak nursing homes but a higher proportion of those in the ‘early’ outbreak group remained in isolation at the end of the study period (32.9% vs 13.3%)
  • A greater proportion of staff with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 in nursing homes with ‘late’ outbreaks were asymptomatic (21.6% vs 28.9%)*

We needed to try more things to keep it out. Would redeploying workers previously exposed (whilst retaining existing risk mitigation proceedures) have been that hard to do?

We weren’t even following through on HIQA recommendations, indeed we have had HSE staff move into care homes after a time.

You want to have a full solution for it, there is no guarantees for it. But it was a creative idea, but we cannot have a sensible discussion on these things. Bizarro.

What’s your solution? Give examples of countries that have implemented your suggested solution.

Sweden are around mid table in Europe for deaths and haven’t had severe and damaging lockdowns.

Sweden, Sweden, Sweden :grinning: :grinning:

You ask a question, you get an answer that you don’t like then degrade the discussion.

Where is the arrogance?

I didn’t propose it by the way, they did.

I don’t expect the staff to do it, I would have incentivized it.

In March I said on here that it was unrealistic to expect it to stay out of nursing homes. I agreed with Holohan that it was a very difficult decision to shut out family visitors straight away for an unknown length of time. I pointed out the issues with carers coming in, working in agencies and that we would have to demand them sleep in care home to try and keep it out. I am well are of the logistical issues with trying to keep it out.

But this isn’t March. We actually had time to put in place creative ideas and things like mass testing.

Certaintly worth a try, but instead what do we get from the likes of you?

“keep the economy shut down whilst we build up our savage systems and businesses don’t have to close again”

3 months later we are closing down again, but you look for zero accountability for the systems not being put in place, and look for zero accountability over the likes of the Oaklands Nursing Home situation.

Nobody is suggesting this will absolutely work. But we needed to try not just creative things, but actually enforcing our HIQA regulations.

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Can we keep this thread to vaccine discussion/news please folks.

Apologies for the backseat moderating @Bandage @Rocko


But nobody has said it is an absolute solution.

But failing to try is not a good enough excuse. Esteban continues to think it is easier to close down the economy and foist debt onto our grandkids, without actually pursuing all avenues to protect people. Why?

How on earth is trying to remobilise a few thousand workers more of a logistical issue than setting up a whole testing regime like we did?

Again, it isn’t an absolute solution, but it was an idea worth exploring.

Sweden have not been successful in dealing with Covid. They have multiples of their nearest neighbours’ fatalities. You may think they have done well. Their own government don’t think so. They brought in legislation to enable them to implement increased restrictions.

Why do you see it fit to compare New Zealand with countries half the world away yet not compare Sweden with countries 100 miles across the sea who enforced draconian lockdowns at some stage or other?

It’s not me comparing Sweden with Denmark, Norway and Finland, it’s the Swedish government. I’ve explained this to you many times but you refuse to accept it.

We’re nearly there. I’m proud of us all. Some more than others. But everyone played a role.

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It was you comparing them.

Yet you will compare NZ to countries half way across the world but won’t compare Sweden with countries they share a sea border of 100 miles with.

Mental gymnastics 101.

I’m flattered that you think I advise the Sweish government on how they approach Covid but that is not the case.

Closing schools and directing all healthcare at Covid was not protecting the economy. When those effects are known history can judge.

It’s over now. Vaccines exist. They work. And still the scaremongering continues.


That’s what I said. Most countries prioritised public health over the economy.

Should I read my last 500 unread posts on this thread? Is there a good row or some humour?

They have not implemented lockdowns though.