The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

Operation fear has no care for you ā€œsensibleā€ talk.

The next 3472 mutations are critical

The FDA only approve drugs that come with a kickback.

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Iā€™ve just gone through it. One classic moment when @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy hears that the AZ vaccine doesnā€™t work on over 65s and launches in with a ā€œscience has failed us again! Fuck science!ā€ type comment. @Tierneevin1979 completely swallows the bait and calls him a clown. Thereā€™s a lengthy back and forth and I lolled hard.

Apart from that this thread is complete bollocks. The vaccines work, except for AZ and thereā€™s loads of them. Covid is over.


Thatā€™s just a treatment that doesnā€™t work.
In 6 months we wonā€™t need treatments.

Want to open the pubs? Weā€™ve got a variant for that. Want to go on holiday? Why weā€™ve got a variant for that too.

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E484k is a pub blocker

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Putinā€™s potion FTW.

Massive e victory for @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

Sigue Sigue Sputnik.

Thatā€™s interesting, thanks.

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Putin has saved humanity

a Russian mate of mine here on the mainland put it succinctly, any scientist worth his salt fucked off from Russia long ago, their facilities and tech are third world level at best, for them to come up with a safe and effective vaccine would be like expecting Albania to put a man on the moon in terms of scientific ability and resourcing

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VAR overturn massive @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy e victory

Your mate hasnā€™t a clue. They pivoted their entire Olympic doping programme to vaccines. Russia had them lining them up for injection while Oxford was still farting around with their Bunsen burners.

Sounds like your mate is raging Navalny is going to the slammer.

I suppose thatā€™s why all the women turned into men and they are banned from all sports in disgrace, aye, a raging success story alright :sweat_smile:


Where we are going Marty there are no months.

Dont ever underestimate good old Russian commonsense.During the space race of the 60s NASA spent 10s of millions to invent something to write with in space. After many failed attempts they Yanks admitted failure and begged the Ruskies to know how theyā€™d worked this out. They were told to use a pencil.

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All* their phds went to Israel.

  • most. The only intelligent Russians were Jewish.

Itā€™s why Israel is so far ahead.

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