The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

oh jesus christ, this is a big blow

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Johnny Foreigner has smuggled that into Dover.

Shite. Just when everything was going so well

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There is always a danger attached to speeding up the process of locating a vaccine ā€“ for whatever. As a layperson, I can say no more.

I have taken vitamin d (and vitamin c and zinc) every day since February 2020. Just a coincidence. An older friend whose opinion I value recommended doing so to me. I find it good and would obviously recommend same to others.

hey tim
2 sections of population who donā€™t adhere

  1. haredim ( orthodox jews) 0 respect for law and order or the rule of law, in most cases dont actually recognise the state live in huge families and densely populated cities. were opening schools and synagogues during lockdownā€¦absolute scum in general

  2. arabs (not referring to the territories but cities like saknin Lod yaffo etc) would have low tolerance also for most directions of the stateā€¦and its strange as they would be the most influential in modern day Israeli medicineā€¦if youā€™ve ever been to the hadassah ein kerem hospital in Jerusalem . every nurse snd most doctors would be arabs

I posted links to the orthodox riots in bnei brak last week, the social tension between haredim and the secular is a boiling point in Israel right now and bibi needs them on his side in April so expect more bizarre concessions such as closing more things on shabbat and funding of the religious.
it will boil over ā€¦the army and police are rounding on them also and the reaction to that rabbis funeral on Sunday was one outrage


You should take quercetin with zinc me oul pal. It helps to get the zinc into the cell.

Thank you Joe Rogan.


Faisal Islam](

1h, 5 tweets, 2 min read

My Authors

NEW: Pfizer expects $15bn of sales of the Biontech COVID-19 vaccine this year - a quarter of total 2021 sales - margin before tax in ā€œhigh 20sā€ %ā€¦ 50% gross margins split with Biontech. supplying 40m doses to low income countries via Covax at cost priceā€¦Image

ā€¦rather puts into context fact that Astra Zeneca & Oxford provided its vaccine at cost price to Eu and world (and that is defined in the famous contract released on Friday)ā€¦

effectively Biontech alone will gain in revenue much more than EU spending on its vaccine programmeā€¦

Itā€™s not a perfect analogy, but effectively what the UK did was block its version of Biontech doing a deal with US pharma co, and matchmaked a UK company on condition of first dibs on vaccines and cost pricingā€¦UK Gov was more dirigiste or strategic here, growing supply. EU not.

See interest thread eg here from former VDL rival/ ex Finnish PM - EU focussed on internal solidarity and sharing the pie - must be a source of frustration at least in Germany that they did not make first use of Biontech innovation (partially funded by EIB)ā€¦

Unroll available on Thread Reader

None of which is to downplay importance of profit motive - even with these profits $15bn of Pfizer vaccines more than pay for themselves in terms of economic effect. AZ vaccine is cost price during the pandemic.

Clear thereā€™ll be many billions more spent on recurrent basis now.

Another mutation!!! Fuck. Weā€™ll need a 2km exercise limit

Itā€™s almost like viruses are constantly mutating or something

The virus loves mutating

You need to slide on over to the ivermectin vitamin d thread. The FDA are a shower of bastards

Mutating and alcohol. Loves em

That clip shows the opposite of overreactionā€¦

@mikehunt is the husband, he shit himself

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E484K is a gamechanger in virus mutation

Lockdown forever is the only play here

forget about pints

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Tries to walk back in when itā€™s over as if he knew all along it would be fine. Nobody is fooled.

Itā€™s a great movie actually. It would hold a mirror up to a lot of lads on here. Their wives and husbands must look at them with contempt after seeing how Covid has made them whimpering messes.