The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

No application in yet it seems.

Curevac submitted their application today.

Ireland has about 2.5 million doses of the Curevac ordered. 2 doses per person required.


What’s their % efficacy look like

Avid chess players will recall @Thomas_Brady called this week’s ago .

Indeed you did. I think they want everyone to have a really meaningful lent this year.

No figure out yet from their trials I think.

Its a rolling review application so they’ll send on the data as soon as its in…

Is science failing us?

Am I about to be vindicated?


When is the likely approval date if all good?

The German Minister of Health reckons it could be as early as March.

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Astra Zeneca has stated to four separate EU countries that it can supply them with vaccine ahead of its supply to the EU.

Something very dodgy going on.

Where are you seeing this?

Surely to god it is a sprint?
An all out sprint to get everyone in the country vaccinated?


Sounds dodgy as fuck and possibly a scam


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Exactly. Its not a marathon. When you get a vaccine delivery, you get it out. You dont sit on it or wait for more. Get as much out as you can when you can. Speed is the optimum here, not prolonging it. And I’m sure plenty idiots will lap that up too and repeat it to those of us who aren’t scientists or virologists.

I’ve seen an online table of percentage doses given per capita and we are one of the worst again

the virologists on the ditch are having a field day with this one


Who’s yer man?

The Nigerian scammer off Fonejacker.

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