The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

Great stuff. Vaccines for all.


Great news for endangered species and wildlife in general in this region

Wasnā€™t somebody that the anti vaxxers on twitter love to hate gone out to Africa doing research on Malaria vaccine?
I recall a lot of dreadful sarcasm recently

Gerry Killeen, the man who prevented 3 previous pandemics.


Wasnā€™t somebody somewhere somehow something something.


Must be from Cork

The name rings a bell, Jesus they were going bananas that he went off to try to help research into malaria

Some man, he only went out there 4 weeks ago and already heā€™s cured malaria.


Ah sure look it, Iā€™m sure thereā€™s thousands of scientists working in that field for a long time, but thereā€™s probably not much work for them to do in Cork

He wore a hurley off a few mosquitos so he did

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Killeen drove the mentallers nuts but in fairness he was nuts himself. He took the credit for the malaria cure from his cousin Annette Curtin. Heā€™s secretly annoyed that the vaccine works as his own treatments were a bit agricultural.

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Thereā€™s some cheeky scamps with way too much time on their hands

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Requirement to wear masks is being phased out.


Free pcr and lateral flow testing is out the window on the mainland soon

Iā€™m amazed kids are still muzzled schools.


Correct protocols wernt followed in accordance to the CFR which had a high risk to adverse affects to patient safety.


Exactly you know nothing on the regulations of pharmaceuticals.