The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

Despite a British Lions tour on the line, I think it’s time to isolate and cut off the South Africans. This is worse than Apartheid.

This whole vaccine situation reminds me of this.

Yeah, I probably won’t be able to get the parts I need for two, three weeks. And that’s if I order them today. Which I won’t.


They said even if that was the case they would just have to tweak the vaccine to make it effective.

We’ll take whatever comes first I suppose.

@artfoley was on the radio?


The vaccine is only a cod.

How many pallets is that that 10!!

There isn’t enough information there to really comment, until some actual testing is done. The reality is this virus will likely continue to mutate as all viruses do, and the vaccines may have to be modified accordingly as time goes on. Somewhat similar to flu vaccines that are developed each year depending on what strain or strains are going around.

Casual racism alert from the man screaming all weekend for lads to be banned.

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I’ll gladly fall on my sword if that’s deemed racist @Rocko

it was one lad who was very specifically and very overtly racist.

There are multiple races in South Africa though, did you assume I was only talking about one?

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@bill is sending out emails right now to have that post reported

I’ll report it myself for consideration of the moderators


You have to hand it to big pharma. They sold us a vaccine we don’t need, and then they told us we needed to buy it again, with a special fridge.

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Sure the original virus probably doesn’t even exist any more. There’s about 250k variants at this stage in the endemic

They gave the vaccine away at cost, they’re making serious bank on the fridge.

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You can’t come out of your house unless you buy it. Every other resource has all been bought except for fresh air… since they couldn’t bottle it they did the next best thing and drove us indoors. You can only come out with a yearly jab.

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And probably a steady income stream from software upgrades.

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Ssshh don’t tell them

the South African variant is resistant to the new vaccines, this nightmare won’t be over for years

The vaccine is only a cod.