The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

Will Henrick and the lads eventually approve the Moderna vaccine today or they need more time to study the data?

Is that conspiracy theory stuff or is there a modicum of basis to think that? Do you just mean that there is not enough data as otherwise is it not a leap of faith to advise against women under 40 against taking it? A cousin of mine a nurse is to get vaccine this week and not sure she wants to take it.

As I said I dont know but would wait until tge data suggests there is nothing to worry about.

My Instagram story is alive with female nurses I know getting the vaccine and posting the licence thingy for the last few days.

They have recommended women who are pregnant and those planning on getting pregnant soon to hold off. Itā€™s just a precaution. They havenā€™t tested it on pregnant women, for obvious reasons. They will shortly once the trials in non at risk groups are finished and shown to be safe

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My missus was pregnant during swine flu. She got that vaccine as it was strongly advised at the time for pregnant women IIRC.

What Superpowers did she develop?

More like a young Kenny Powers

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As if they are not going to approve it.


Same as my missus, myself and my infant at the time. We seen as the most at risk alongside elderly and California health lashed it out pronto

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I think we have nearly 900k doses of this due to us, but I havenā€™t seen a delivery schedule yet. Would the other countries that approved this before us have hoovered up all of the available supply?

Germany are expecting a delivery next week so we should be around the sameā€¦

Shots, shots, shots

The J&J one is the one to watch, requires only 1 dose.

How far away is that from Approval?

Didnā€™t they kill someone?

I dont know.

Doesnā€™t look like this Moderna one is worth much to us anyway.

10k doses per week is all weā€™re getting.