The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

That doesn’t sound right.
That means it would two years to get our allocation

What’s the story with the Oxford one in the EU?

It’s been approved by the UK.

Don’t think they’ve even applied for a licence

That sounds about right?

Isn’t Ireland due to get 15m doses overall?


In phase 3 trials at the moment so i’d say it would be March at the earliest.

The EMA want more data.

Could we not just say 60% have been vaccinated and oiutf?

With the Germans pushing for its approval, I suspect it will he moved forward to the end of January now.

I assume it’s 20k and Varadkar is talking about half the doses being used like with Pfizer.

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Have you considered moving to a Country that is firmly OIUTF?

I would have thought that’s what’s going to happen -get the most vulnerable done and off we go ?

To Cheltenham again?

No. Loss to the locale would be too great to bear


We could get more than the 880k based on this. I think the 880k figure was in the initial National Covid-19 Vaccination Strategy but the order has been updated since.

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Not a hope. The more a man has the more a man wants etc

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Maybe Not that dramatic but a lot more movement domestically,no ?

Hopefully. The EU left it late with extra orders from Pfizer and Moderna so seems like they are only putting in the additional capacity this month.

Martin said 135k fully vaccinated from Pfizer yesterday by the end of February. Moderna starting next week might be another 40k fully done by February. Hopefully that 175k is the low end and we see the increased capacity of Moderna/Pfizer along with AZ in February and we are really motoring by the middle of next month.

TĂĄnaiste Leo Varadkar has said the decision by the EMA to approve the Moderna vaccine will allow us to vaccinate an extra 10,000 people a week approximately.

You’d be really hopefully they are just supply constraints to the numbers too. If more vaccine because available they can be ramped up. We can do this. We’ll be opening back up for good come March.