The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

Which of the 250 000 variants are you talking about?

Hancock started that shite with some vague allusion to an anecdote. The press have a massive hard on for catastrophe and are desperate for the next drama.

Look at the articles being posted…"may…perhaps…theoretical " etc. Bollox in other words.

Oh they will. It’ll be we are not sure if it protects against transmission and not sure how long immunity lasts.

I’ll variant the cunt down on top of the head.

I’m going to make up a new variant. The “Rathkeale variant” symptoms include being so hot you’ve to take your top off.

I have been told the Pfizer vaccine works against some of these new variants.

I see your point and you could well be right for all I know. So long as enough people believe they are real though, and they do, it’s a moot point for now.

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Not the Rathkeale one. It knows it’s rights

He said variants not vagrants …


Sure now that we’ve invermectin we can put this sorry mess behind us

So the Minister for Health was only stockpiling the vaccine to crate a buffer, yanno, just in case there was a national emergency or something

‘‘Minister Donnelly said that 26,000 doses of the 40,000 week’s supply, which had been held as a “buffer”, would now be deployed.’’


Just in time for the Election.


Israel are great aren’t they, pity they won’t vaccinate the poor Palestines. They likes of that Roy Curtis fucker whipping up populist bullshit on Twitter comparing fucking Israel to Ireland would make you sick.

Palestine are getting their own supplies from the Russians.


All Danes likely to have received complete set of jabs by late June, officials say

All Danes will have received a second shot of a Covid-19 vaccine by late June as long as the country receives enough vaccine shipments, the Danish health authority has said.

People aged 80 or higher are expected to be vaccinated by mid-April and all frontline health personnel are expected to be vaccinated by late April, it said in a document published on Friday.

All other eligible individuals over the age of 16 or 18 willing to take the vaccine will be vaccinated by late June, according to the document, which is based on estimates contingent on vaccines being approved and delivered on time.

As of Friday, 102,092 Danes had received their first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, or around 1.75% of the population, which puts Denmark ahead of most European countries.

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Great Danes

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And we trust them with the testing

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