The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

Amsterdam as it happens. The European Medicines Agency are the geniuses who signed up to a 25 year lease in London in 2014 that they couldn’t get out of after Brexit and now have to make 500m in payments on foot of the lease.


Not available until some time in Q2

We’re almost home and hosed

12 pubs here we come

you’re gone fierce edgy lately

Any word from our friends in Johnson & Johnson or Jansen or whatever they are called? @Copper_pipe

Any chance they could push that out to Q4? Important not overload our teams.

I’d say Paul Reid breath a sigh of relief when he read it wouldn’t be available for a few months.

They say February for approval.

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I actually wasn’t trying to be edgy just talking shite :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Heard an expert on the radio earlier say Ireland will be back to normal by July.

Heard an expert say in October it would be 5 years before we’d be back to normal

Which year?

The last thing the govt want is more vaccines doses being supplied and more vaccines being approved. The can barely handle what they have been given yet.

Imagine Egghead had 400k doses coming in weekly?

There’s a load of idle teachers about looking for something to do

Teachers aren’t looking for something to do.

They are looking for nothing to do.


The question is if the Govt will look at opening up again if/when the frontliers and vulnerable groups are vaccinated or are they gonna wait until a majority of the population in general get the jab, ie make a play for herd immunity.
Fuck knows, I doubt they know themselves at this point. A new varaint might make a fuck of everything too I suppose

Once all the vulnerable have a jab it’ll be hard to make a case against opening up

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Tell that to Dr Tony

Ffs . This shite again

You think the new variants are only a cod?