The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

Can there be many more of them up there left to die?

Public health advice in :norway: . If you are old and frail consider not getting the vaccine. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

Some people saying ah well if they got vaccine and died it was probably attributable to other reasons like old age.

Same people if an old person dies with Covid it was likely because of Covid and no other reason or Cor morbidity.

The mental gymnastics is fascinating.


We might have to change strategy here if that’s the case with nursing homes quickly. Would make sense to do one family member along with staff so at least residents have some safety valve that allows in frequent visitors.

Indonesia or one of those countries are vaccinating the young people first because they’re the ones that are spreading it the most.

They can’t afford to have people sitting at home for months tbf.

My aunt doesn’t know a single person who has had it, and she’s the sort of woman who knows everything that goes on.

Kindly refrain from tagging me with links to Twitter.

I do my best to avoid that shit hole

Thanks in advance

Pfizer making a balls of it I see

The Russians are vaccinating working age people first because they have the economic value.

Have the Russians not been vaccinating since August and it has had minimal impact?

The Russians have fuck all of their own vaccine. They realised after they created it that they’ve no idea how to make anything pharmaceutical, now if it was novichok based it might have been a different story

John Bull has 316,000 vaccinated in the last 24 hours, unreal going


In mother Russia you do not control the vaccine, the vaccine controls you.

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If you got a team from the NHS over and they started in Cork on a Monday, they’d have the whole country vaccinated by Sunday.

You’d want to start them somewhere else. They’d be gone home by Tuesday if they started in Cork

I started them in Cork so they wouldn’t feel homesick.


She sounds like a fucking liar

You wouldn’t say that to her face you watery shite!

I’d box her worse than flano boxes rabbits

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It’s coming

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