The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

But if weā€™ve all been vaccinated, do we (should we) care?

Nope but Iā€™m saying there isnā€™t much point in comparing yourself to countries like France or Italy.

I am going to appoint you as the authorative source for detail on the vaccine roll out now that the bad weather threat has abated

A fine looking graphic. Ill be happy if they can deliver that and open up by may when the vulnerable are sorted. Ideally not perfect or fast enough but its a good start. #greenjerseys


If other countries donā€™t get 100% vaccination compliance weā€™ll have to ban flights from those destinations

I thought we were going to get daily vaccination figures ā€œby the weekendā€

Yeah but where is the vaccine plan? I havenā€™t seen it, have you? cc @Thomas_Brady @Heyyoubehindthebushes

Is that not clear enough for you?
Get vaccine > Give it to people > Done.

I havenā€™t seen the plan, have you? Ireland has no plan. This is a disgrace.

Daily reporting from the 25th.

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Vulnerable people, hospital workers and children of important hospital managers are the first tranche


The Claire Byrne radio show is hopping with OUTRAGE at the people skipping the vaccine queue.

Iā€™d really just like to get to a barbers.


The vaccine roll out was entirely unambitious initially. Then people on THE INTERNET went mad and starting saying mean things about the Government on Twitter.
Theyā€™ve gotten themselves in gear since then it would appear.
That thing about being the best in Europe is, at best, a dubious use of arbitrary dates to make themselves look better for doing fuck all the first few weeks and then vaccinating a chunk in one go.
They seem to be doing okay now, hopefully it continues. I would caution that they are hitting the low hanging fruit at the moment people in nursing homes and hospital staff. These are easy to do they are all in the one place. When it rolls out to the general public over 65 itā€™ll be much harder to do.
Thatā€™s why the AZ is so important. Then GPs can lash it out and thereā€™s no need for injection centres etc. Iā€™d imagine those will be used only for groups like teachers etc or in a free for all scenario where whoever wants it gets it

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I think you give too much credit to people shouting on the internet.

Leoā€™s advisors spend their time on Twitter judging what way the wind is blowing.


Leo is the Tanaiste.

Yeah people giving out on the internet made them up their game, they probably werenā€™t even going to bother their holes giving it out at all only for the people giving out on the internet. Theyā€™d prefer to keep us locked down altogether Iā€™d say.

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Yes mate. Well done