The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

It isn’t unusual for results to vary from the clinical trials. It depends on a lot of factors, like the age and health of those being vaccinated. Sadly the vaccine won’t help some people, but anything over 50% efficacy is regarded as good.

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The vaccine is a dud lads.

It failed.

Stop spreading lies, you absolute moron.

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It’s failed. Look at Israel. Science fails us once again.

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Story there?

Cases and deaths rising, vaccine nowhere near as successful as stated.

The science fanboy can’t take the reality.

The Pfizer vaccine is administered in two doses. Immunity build up over weeks, and will vary among individuals. Anything over 50% efficacy after the second dose is delivered is positive news.

Stick to subjects you know something about, you are embarrassing yourself.

You’re the fraud here, it’s way short of expectations. Cases on the rise again in Israel. Caught talking out your hoop.

What are your expectations of the vaccine? That Covid disappears as soon as people get a jab?
You are an absolute clown.

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The negative news being dripped into the media is only heading to one conclusion… The vaccine, that only took 9 months to make, doesn’t fully work.

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Another clown.
It took a weekend to make.

If it works for 50% of the population that’s a start.

Not an expert but I hardly would have thought the vaccine would be having any kind of major affect already. Even in Israel. Considering it takes at least 2 weeks after the first dose to get any kind of protection whatsover. How long are they at it? 3 weeks now?

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They’ll keep us locked down untill we reach 80%

Exactly. 10 days to get any protection, three weeks to second dose, at least 5-6 weeks before you get whatever effectiveness you are going to get to. Israel is leading the world but are still only at about 15% of their population and just starting on second dose.

Any updated numbers on Vaccinations here? @Copper_pipe

Why is @Tierneevin1979 ignoring the fact cases are on the rise in Israel?

He’s a clown.

When would you expect the Pfizer vaccine to start working on a population?

Israel started vaccinating on the 18th December. Getting close to 1/4 of the population vaccinated now and cases sky rocketing.

Is science anti-logic or are you just a terrible propagandist?