The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

Great news if that’s borne out. We’ll have pints for Paddy’s day yet

Sure you’re leading the world. Lil ole Ireland. Leading the world. The whole world is in a prison and the wealthiest prisoners are the first to get shanked

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The question is whether the type of lockdowns we are in do any good, and even is they do does that good outweigh the other bad impacts. The evidence is the only thing that controls transmission is people’s behavior, do lockdowns change behavior? Do you get the same behavior over time with multiple lockdowns?

If there had been a lockdown in place over the holiday period (as there was here), would the surge in January have been prevented? I would say no, people would have had their Christmas and New Years gatherings anyway. We had lockdown here since early December and we are absolutely riddled. The biggest error of the lockdown forever crew is the denial of human behavior, when enough people stop conforming to unenforceable government regulations you have lost the battle.

I could have saved myself all the above effort by just saying those making the decisions and those following them like sheep are morons.


We need to herd them onto 52 seater buses and inject them in a tent in a field somewhere ASAP.

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So the vaccine was a dud.

Who’d have thought big pharma would have lied to us? Who could have predicted that?

cc @glenshane

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Its almost as if lockdowns and vaccines dont work. Thank God for invermectin


John Bull will be at nearly 5 million vaccinated tommorrow night

How worried would you be here @TreatyStones @Tierneevin1979

The single dose seems to be less effective, but they are happy the double dose is effective so nothing major

But aren’t the uk only giving one jab?

No, they are giving two, but they are not worried about the second one being exactly three weeks after the first, they are lashing it out as they get it

Results from the Pfizer phase 3 trial.
52% efficacy after the first jab, 95% after the second.
Both jabs needed.

They’re slowly leaking negative news about the vaccine so not to send people into a frenzy, but they know it doesnt hold up against all the new strains… that’s why the EU have held off approving the latest one. Back to the drawing board for science.

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But they are saying Israel that it isn’t 50 percent effective ? Would that not mean the second one won’t be as effective as well?

The vaccine is not worth a wank

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I’m in a negative spiral.

Go for a walk someplace relatively quiet and listen to the birds chirping and meditate on that as you walk. That will left your soul.


This propagandised shite again

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Tommy Tan has rushed head first into this as usual. Paddy has been clinical and patient.