The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

When would you expect the Pfizer vaccine to demonstrate effectiveness on the population of Israel?
How would you measure that effectiveness?

If your answer is number of cases, then you are just confirming your status as a moron.

Why have they ramped up in Israel in December?

I donā€™t expect it to.

Itā€™s a dud vaccine.

The data points to that. Way less effective than the trials, cases ramping up in Israel since they started rolling it out.

Maybe look at the data rather than pedalling propaganda.


Whatā€™s that bro?

A Jewish holiday mate.

Hopefully there is some positive news on hospitalisations and deaths there in the next 2-3 weeks. Thatā€™s what is key.

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I have looked at the data, but unlike you I understand it.

Is that why you have tried to engage in propaganda?

No, itā€™s why I engage in an effort to educate you, but now have to admit itā€™s a losing effort

Iā€™m too smart for your propaganda.

Arnold :clap:

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Thats it, Iā€™m in

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The next week, in Israel, is critical.

In fairness Arnie was a great supporter of injections when he was governor of California

Remarkable timing

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Hopefully this is true and we stop telling people who are not sick that they are sick.

Hopefully people will have the wit to see the cynicism

Has anyone determined that covid could also be seasonal. Rampant in oz july aug and sept, non existent in the summer (I donā€™t buy their zero covid celebrations). Yet we and all the northern hemisphere went very low in the summer and records over Christmas. Its mad we have never had a disease that acted this way

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Its unreal mate, I remember before there used to be a seasonal illness known as the flu.

Thankfully thats gone forever. :grin: