The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

Medical science of lockdown have saved us. I hated bring all sick and living a normal life. I must admit I love this new normal and have become accustomed to it

Yes, bizarrely the WHO claimed that this wasnā€™t the case. Clearly wrong but at least it meant lots of bigwigs could profiteer by selling compulsory face masks in the summer.
Itā€™s what @Julio_Geordio calls a conspiracy theory

I dunno if Iā€™m reading into it too much but its a cows arse and banjo situation.

Some tabloid in tanland ran an article on tory connected newby covid millionaires, I think it might even have been billionairesā€¦I doubt that it stopped at that level

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Did they sell paddy a plane load of knock off Chinese ppe in april

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It was like stealing candy from a politician

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Youā€™re a very very odd individual

The actuaries have spoken

And said nothing.

Ffs. Sure the WHO downgraded the pandemic yesterday. Everything is going to be a success from no onā€¦including Dr Tedros Adhanomā€™s defence against charges of genocide

Thereā€™s no way out of it. The vaccine is a cod

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Nearly there lads.

As long as the two cods cancel each other out weā€™ll be grand

Game changer



Thatā€™s one way to get Big Pharma off the hook for the their dud vaccine.

The WHO arenā€™t taking any chances. The virus that they say isnā€™t seasonal will wane with the full vaccine roll outā€¦in time for spring

I said it from the outset.

Science likes to portray itself as the smartest kid in the class. Covid has shown us that the smartest kid in the class is actually a dunce.

Unreal stuff from the scientists. Itā€™ll be over before we know it

We can watch the big outbreaks in oz and NZ in April. Iā€™m sure they will find a scapegoat