The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

Made up strains beaten with made up results :clap::clap::clap:


Make mine a Moderna doc, none of that oxford zenica shite for me ta.
(I’m assuming we get to pick and choose)

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He’s in a bad way here

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Yeah something like this.

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I heard of problems in UK hospitals with staff insisting on certain vaccines over others putting a spanner in the distribution

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I’m in a zen like state.

Own your reality.

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I’m incredibly proud of you.

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That will push us back to September @BruidheanChaorthainn

It gets worse

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Fuck it … we’re in trouble here.


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this will be going on for decades

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You can depend on Pfizer and Moderna to save the day lads.
USA saving Europe once again.

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John Bull jabbing 250 a minute. Up from 140a minute last week

We sent our finest people over there. It’s the least they owe us.

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Paddy was in the curragh smoking fags and playing cards while they sent the Germans packing.

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