The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus


Thank god for Israel

The Hungarians have only gone and signed a unilateral deal with Russians for their spud vaccine. They should be fucked out of the EU.

The EU is fucked. So is The Republic.

Spoken like a true Western imperialist douche.

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The Hungary cunts!

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Putin using the idiots to cause trouble in EU…

How are Belarus getting on?

“Growth rate fell”

ie numbers rose

It’s just like a court case. Experts, advocates, barristers and counsel all get to wet their beak a few times until the judge guages that the plaintiff has been almost, just about, but not quite bled dry…then it comes to a satisfactory end for everyone but the poor mug.

Big hold ups with the Ox AZ vaccine apparently. Only going to meet about half of their committed amount to EU before the end of Q1.

Apes. The Russians can’t make enough for themselves not to mind export it

Bill Gates got the jab. Will now be able to keep track of himself.

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No comments allowed. That’s a pity I’d say the comments section would have been unreal :joy:

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A useful bit of info in the replies.


We’re nearly there lads.

Suarez could handle 50 or 60 of them

@Thomas_Brady will be seething.

About what, Kangaroos?