The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

Get one group of teachers to administer it to another group

We’re fucked now… That will set us back 6 months

The next European war will be over access to vaccines

The EU have backed every horse mate

There’s 700k over 65 in Ireland. We are really going to need J&J to get anything reopened by April.

Have they nearly 150 thousand vacinnated allready? Surely reach 700,000 by March.

We backed them but Boris bribed them

2 weeks in a hotel in Sydney is very appealing all of a sudden.

€336 million they gave them

EMA will approve that tomorrow off the back of this news today. They won’t want to dilly dally any longer.

Science have fucked it all up.

We’ve gone from a June opening to October now.

Tell us never.

October 2023

Sunday most certainly vindicates my usage of the Spanner in the works idiom

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Boris has cleaned out Belgium, he’s only laughing at the EU

Time to give Kiely and Kinnerk a buzz.

Fritz is sending a angry email, that will learn them, learn them good and proper it will

We’ll be up the Q for the summer holidays :ok_hand:

That tweet is gonzo. He’s been got to