The Racism thread

Carlin was a social critic and a philosopher. Comedy was a side-gig.


I recall that sketch, that piece is from a gig.

It’s funny and provocative but absolutely ridiculous, which is what comedy is

Bill Hicks had a similar view on the subject

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A genius. “I’m new wave, but I’m old school and my inner child is outward bound.” :rofl:

Cunts got my number :joy:

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Ah stop, Carlin was a brilliant social critic, sadly missed. He would have an absolute field day with the woke generation.


The secret to a moral compass is to question everything. There are tens of thousands marching all over Europe and the US honoring George Floyd. He was eulogized today as a great man, a hero, by a variety of celebrities.

The same man broke into a house in Texas and held a gun to the stomach of a pregnant woman demanding she give him money and drugs. Not a hero.


Christ, a bit of craic breaks out for a change and right on cue up steps @anon7035031 spewing his indoctrinated misery. WaC

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He’s Harvey Dent at the end of the Dark Knight. Gotham needs heroes!

So your in favor of honoring people who assault women and threaten them? Sounds like someone in Galway we heard about last year.

You boys know that this is all about the death rate in Sweden the past few days, right?

The first one in to rain on the parade was @EstebanSexface.

Institutional I’d say. Refused at local level and then appealed to a judge within the C of E. Although has to be said very impressive to have a judicial appeal system within the church. The GAA would be proud of that. The C of E’s DRA

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You shouldn’t be proud to be black anymore than you should be proud to be white. While that’s encouraged I don’t see this ending, or either side.

I’m proud to over 6 feet though. It’s a great achievement


Well done. That’s some achievement.

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I would disagree. For hundreds of years, black people were shunned, made slaves and made to feel ashamed of themselves solely because of their skin colour. They were given a worse start in life and many who fought to rise up from their oppression had to do so in spite of the colour of their skin. I dont see why a black person shouldnt have pride in themselves or their forefathers for having the strength to fight back and demand fairer rights for themselves.

Similarly I dont see why people shouldnt be proud of their nationality. It is a way of defining themselves and being proud of their history. I get that you have absolutely zero control over where you are born or your defined physical characteristics, but being proud of your nationality or race is not about you personally but about your history of where you came from. I see nothing wrong with that if that’s the way someone feels.


They should be proud of themselves for what they achieved absolutely. Not solely because they are black.

I’d also contend that calling black people African-American is racist. Many of them and their people have been in America much longer than others, yet we don’t hear too much “German-American” or “Romanian-American” getting thrown around.

The US never stops “honouring our troops” and they’re a bunch of murderous animals by and large.

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They have been made ashamed of being black for generations, black pride is about countering this narrative.

I can’t believe I entered this thread