The ref in this camogie game

He’s not no. He’s one of the Scour Powers.


The carkie wimin are fucking rabid in the tackle.

Cork getting frees a lot handier than Galway.


My Spidey sense is going mental.

Galway are 7 points better here but the Ref is worth 6-8 pts for Cork

It was lovely to see Waterford make the final, great excitement :clap::clap:

That was a fairly one sided refereeing performance


Galway playing extremely deep haven’t opened up at all yet but are not being allowed. Kelly the ref is playing a physical game but Galway challenges seem to be punished quicker than those of Cork.

Players in contact is reffed very inconsistently in the camogie. Player carrying the ball can get benefit of doubt one time and be blown for barging the next.

Is there a definitive rule on it for Camogie?

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As soon as he called that puck out at the start, ya knew. Wans hanging out of O’Reilly and nothing.

Galway need to work the sliothar closer to goal before shooting. They’ve the physical edge but need to use the ball better.

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There was one example early on where a player from each side ran full frontal into an opposition player. Almost identical situations. Cork girl got the free. Galway girl had a free given against her. Fairly maddening to watch.

They have fought their way back into the game and are set up nicely in the second half but our spare player needs to give more protection to Healy.

Corks backs are tight though, nothing soft there.

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Galway have overrun the ball about a million times

Cork look like they’ll win this. We’ve lost our shape in the middle.

Need Orla McGrath in there at 11

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Time to make the changes


That is shocking

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The short puck out isnt working. Galway will need a goal now.

Why are we carrying it into contact knowing the form of the ref?

They have no chance here. Battling a steady stream of Cork frees.

Unless they get a goal.

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