The ref in this camogie game

Great win.


Powerful women those Galway wans. I hope they go all the way now.


The Galway minor or junior or intermediate team or whatever they’re called collapsed there against Westmeath

A Galway team lacking heart, plus ca change

Well done @maroonandwhite who I think is the ony poster here from Westmeath

Ursula Jacob’s dulcet tones on the analysis here, she’s so easy on the ear

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Today is traditionally the TFK Misogyny Crew’s favorite day of the year


Fine flaking from Galway centre back.

Kilkenny look a good bit better.

Has the commentary (mercifully) failed on anyone else’s feed?

Theres no sound on RTE 1 or 2.

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Same. Use 802 on sky.


Hopefully its something RTE are trialling for Ger Cannings games next summer.


Should you not be in a pub?

That’s for young lads.
Drank a skip of it last night, I might slip down for a few handy ones later.

It will take a while to get over this one

A tough one to take alright. Lost both our midfielders to injury and Corbett got on top then and did the damage.

Very unlucky yesterday, pity.

Did I hear right that the Galway freetaker is a niece of Johnny Maher ??

What kind of weirdos watch camoige?


Is camoige a sort of youth version of camogie?

A stellar performance from the celtic princesses. They shouldn’t have a care in the world after this bar marty arriving in the dressing room trump style


I’m gutted for our girls - the sending off before half-time changed the game - it was never an elbow