The ref in this camogie game

Ref in this game has lost his whistle, flake away girls

The Galway goalie has some puck on her for a young wan

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Frankie Boyle appears to be managing Tipperary.


Short fucking puck outs

We need this goalie to identify as a man in the next 24 hours

Never stopped any of yer crowd before.

Hup hup

Size 4 sliothar I think.

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You can’t say things like that these days.

What the fuck. The ref played 4 mins and 40 secs of the 6 mins of injury time.

Why do camogie goalies were the same jersey as the outfield players?

Yes, that’s always been the way. There’s a few rules differences with hurling

Yes??? I know they do but why?

This was a great game for 40 minutes and has descended into farce

Big hefty one in goals for tipp cc @Brimmer_Bradley

They have no special protections that hurling goalies have and therefore have no need of a different jersey.

What protection does a hurling goalie have that a camogie goalie doesn’t?

A Man United jersey


Can a hurling goalie touch the ball on the ground in the small square like a football keeper can ?

Galway Galway Galway

You can’t challenge a hurling goalie in the square. A camogie goalkeeper is fair game. (This could give rise to a few juvenile puns)

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