We all bore witness to the sinking of HMS @sidney over the past few weeks as he got caught up in hurricane Trump. Whether you agree with his hardcore left wing ideology or not, you have to admire his belligerence and steadfast conviction. Now that all that’s pretty much in the past, I think it behooves us all to try and redirect Sidney’s focus and abilities in a positive direction. If you have a topic of research, academic or work related, post it here and let Sidney get his teeth into it (once topic is not political) . We can define limitations and parameters as we go along but for now I’d suggest a simple 1000 word limitation on responses.
To get the ball rolling:
1: Corinthian Spirit: An investigation into the amateur sport in the Isle of Corinth.
2: Spanning Tree Protocol in a multivendor environment - the pitfalls?
3: Addiction: illness, disease or just a raging cunt?