The Roaster Thread

Marty himself looks like a 5 year old dressed up for his big sisters communion.


He has frontage


That suit doesn’t even fit the groom. It’s a suit that has seen many’s a wedding.

She spent 12 month belting the roads and shtarving herself to get into that dress but things will revert to normal quite soon.

Declan will demand spuds at 6pm on the button after a long day on the farm… Months pass and Aoife doesn’t see Declan much these evenings (sick cows etc) and out of pure loneliness and isolation she would often find herself lashing in a bit of kerry gold onto the spuds of a Thursday evening, soon its every evening and by their first anniversary she’ll be back to square 1 burshting out of her jeans.


The TFK misogynist folk out in force again.

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Until now @KinvarasPassion had been one of the few Galway posters not infected with this nonsense. A sad day for tfk.

No…Declan will want spuds for dinner at 12pm and tea at 6pm

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Declan knows, Aoife knows.

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Marty must go through white tackies like other lads go through underpants.

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Marty looks like the classic roaster with the hair dye and white trainers

Marty gets his white tackies in EJ menswear


Wouldn’t mind seeing her frontage etc etc

Cc @Tfk Misogyny Crew


So you married a roaster…

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It’s the haircut that screams roaster

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Eddie Murphy’s more like.

I can just imagine your man’s horror when they showed him a burgundy slim fit tux with waistcoat at the suit fitting.

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Gaa managers/selectors are roaster central

Dalos zoom podcast is unbelievably roaster. Everything about it