The Roaster Thread

Yerra, Tom could have washed his hands before the interview!

Ah Iā€™d go for better quality of woman than that son!

Iā€™ll hazard a guess that you were in The Crown.

Sinnottā€™sā€¦ she was at a wake which makes it more bizarre.

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Just passed a Limerick on his way to Dublin for Sundayā€¦.

:white_check_mark: White Ford Mondeo decked out in Green & White

:white_check_mark: Limerick jersey. Hope he has more than one

:white_check_mark: White Caravan in tow. Cheaper than a Dublin hotel I suppose :joy:

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PJā€™s bribe money

Former FG West Limk TDā€¦

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Tom has three (3) farms. Things go wrong from time to time on farms and emergency plans get activated.
Tom seems a hands on kind of guy and God knows what he was at before yerā€™ man pounced on him.

Cut the man some slack. Everyone having pops off him is terribly unbecoming. Heā€™s a great, great man.


@habanerocat as you said, Davy Ryan was in caherdavin for years. Used to drive a bus. Touched.

Pure Ra.

I had a green San Francisco (SF) hat on one day. He came over and gave me a big hug.

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He got the bang changing a tyre in his car outside Portlaois hospital. Pure fortunate.

Classic ā€œgot the bangā€ / ā€œgot a knock outā€ / ā€œhad a fallā€


Some house


Looks like heā€™s off to his first holy communion.


Little jonnie pocket on the slacks.

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Little what?

Weā€™ll he definitely didnā€™t dress himself

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With the hot weather the elder roasters will be rocking the socks and sandals look

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