The Roaster Thread

I definitely wore shoes like that with bootcut jeans and a going out shirt when heading to Monty’s

You’d want to be armed with steel toe capped footwear when the inevitable scrap outside the chip van kicked off there.

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“going out shirt” is classic Roaster

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Usually a Tommy Hilfiger number

I’d a yellow going out shirt that caused consternation amongst my more conservative family members. I looked “a show” :disappointed_relieved:

A friend wore a blazer on a stag recently, walked in to big cheer and laughter. We’re some crowd of roasters


I was in Supermacs in Ballindine there Friday evening.I nearly always stop there.Its always wall to wall roaster,myself included.Some of the city folk on here would be aghasssstttt at the carryon and fashion on show.I also bought a lovely pair of chinos in the Creamery shop yesterday when I was picking up some club gear and a gallon of dosing stuff for the sheep


Some goldmine

Printing money I’d say,I’ll be there for the dinner around 1 I’d say,a nice bit a bafe


Would roaster location Supermacs have any extras on the menu for locals, like bacon and cabbage etc? Or curry and stuffing chips? I spotted a mate of mine in the Clare supporter photo on the wall in the Supermacs in Scarriff.

Lads of a certain age will remember Striders, Sizzlers, Tommy Brubacker, NAFF. Not sure if these would have been roaster or townie wear.

NAFF was definitely townie anyway.

I must say mate, you have a real dedication to this Roaster obsession you have. It’s unreal. I’d say they completely fascinate you? Would there be a touch of a Roaster in you yourself?


I initially thought the top photo was from an Only Fools and Horses fancy dress party


You love roasters so much. Commendable

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@cowpat loves roasters and bowel movements. It’s his two specialist areas on TFK


He’s a weird bastard to be sure,roasters and bowel movements are his specialty

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Saw this on Instagram. Are roaster mannequins a thing now?


@cowpat , Happy Birthday.

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