The Roaster Thread

Davy got a massive heart attack changing a wheel outside the hospital in Portlaois about 20 years ago. Gave up driving the truck. Pro musician now. Hasn’t looked back. Lucky man.

Who are the boozehounds in the video sitting at the bar?

Some amount of roasters in the south of France ATM.Wall to wall Galway and Mayo jerseys.One Galway fella who looks like @KinvarasPassion hasnt taken his off all week.


Couldn’t tell you. Davy moved out to Bruff ‘I like to shoot a gun’ so I assume that’s Davy Clarke’s local crew.

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Where’s he from originally? Bruff way?

No, he’s a proud Laois man.
I don’t know what brought him to Caherdavin. Work I suppose.

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The man fourth left and the other fourth right are sound as iron. Good east Clare stock

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No roaster there

That’s what winners look like

No roasters there, but they could do with keeping away from the table!

Lads seem to think there’s something wrong with being a roaster. It’s an admirable state of self confidence.


Exactly. The marketing depts can’t crack this bunch at all.


Embracing my inner roaster here at the Nenagh Show


Those beer companies and their marketing depts spitballing new ad ideas with young hip people from Dublin on camping trips drinking whatever new piss is being launched where they could have roasters in the ads sinking porter and cider in one sitting even. A joint Guinness / Bulmers ad with lads loading it into themselves. Target market and all that.


Jaysus Chrisht…

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That’s some combover

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