The Roaster Thread

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Another humble-brag regarding Borrisoleigh from Shane.

Jesus thats all sorts of tragic.


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Thought so,but taking a photo of a bunch of young farmers and calling them roastersโ€ฆlike shooting fish in a barrel

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Thatโ€™s a winner

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99% of TFKโ€™ers on a night out.

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Blueshirt day out.
What was the occasion?

Iโ€™d say that clown Kieran Oโ€™Donnell has never in his life worn a pair of trousers that fit him.


Carrick on Shannon baby,Boxty is at the bar ordering a few pints of smiwthwicks for the two of them.


Limerick Show. Roasterโ€™s Paradise.

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Unfortunately, baby boxty is as far from a roaster as itโ€™s possible to get.

When you see it youโ€™ll knowโ€ฆ

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Possibly the most low profile event in the country. I didnโ€™t even know it was on. Zero advertisement for it. When I was a nipper youโ€™d see ad signs for it everywhere in the preceding weeks.

Is it the socks and sandals or the fact they canโ€™t spell?

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Phonetically correct.