The Roaster Thread

Classic here, the co-op shop boots

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That lad is posted a few times a year on this thread


The two pairs of glasses. A good old fashioned roaster. Is he a “stalwart”?

By God and he is


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They could teach a few lads in the fashion thread a thing or two.

This Anna Geary thing on RTE 2.
She’s trying to marry off a lovely farmer girl.

Holy God.

No words


season 2 space GIF by SYFY

The socks. The bloody socks. You’ll have to zoom in.


Ah come on these don’t count,who’s the adjudicator on this thread @Fagan_ODowd ? Up your game @Spidey .That reminds me my sister in law (dub)was telling me a good one about my nephew taking his girlfriend home to their house for dinner one evening last December.Anyways they’re all atin the spuds when my sister in law asks her was she in Blanchardstown shopping centre that day.Jaysus no waaay says yer wan,it’d be full a bleedin cluchies doing the Xmas shopping in their boots jeans and Tommy Hilfiger hoodies.The whole lot of them fell around laughing and yer wan couldn’t make out what the fuck was going on till she noticed my brother sitting at the table in his boots jeans and Tommy hoodie.Morto.


Dubs. They’re some shower of wankers all the same.

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Not me.

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Great, I’ll give this a try.


He has changed a lot. Could benefit from a bit of weight baring exercise.