The Rugby Thread (Part 1)

So nothing to say about the ratio of brain injury to amount of players?

I told you people were stopping their kids playing it for fear of serious head injury. I told you my rugby playing mate was too. Another poster who teaches in a famed rugby school said the amount of injuries was shocking and he’d stop his kids playing too.
You dismiss this as anecdotal and said it wasn’t true and doesnt count because ‘mini rugby is thriving…’ apparently.
You’re ignoring all the studies and news reports about brain injury in ex players and have found some study of womens football. Would you not look at the huge data set of professional mens football for the last 20 years? Same sex, same time period? Kind of like for like you know?

What exactly are you saying? That there is a head issue injury in rugby? Of course there is. It Dominates discussion of the game at pro level…are you looking for an award for saying it again?

You are just ignoring the counter point that there are no contact sports immune from this

Here’s your post. You said there was no additional risk of playing rugby. There clearly is.

Yep but the lads on here don’t get it. Gaa are making the exact same mistakes. Too many games, nobody really knows when they are on and behind a paywall.

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And I pointed out that this statement was untrue;

That should have been the end of it but you decided to lean in with your anecdote.

You followed that up with shite about concussions. I pointed out your shit on that but let’s go back to your original point. You can say “bizarre” all you like but you can’t hide here.

@Juhniallio is from a rugby adjacent town, he has an inferiority complex

He’s the problem for sports like football here, he gives it a bad name with his barstooling consumption of the game.

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In your opinion

At elite level, be it schools, club or country, the risk is greater due to size and pace.

At recreational level, its probably no bigger an issue (as you have said), than other sports, again due to less emphasis on pace and power.

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Do you have daughters?

Girls are as at risk playing high school soccer as boys playing high school American football- the sport most akin to rugby.

Due to heading the ball or accidental head collisons?
I would love to see data on concussions at SCT level.

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As girls don’t have as strong neck muscles.

You are letting natural biases get in the way and you never answered the question.

Interesting from Dr Eoin Devitt on rugby and GGA here by the way @gilgamboa

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We don’t see many scenes like this in underage rubby…it’s safer on that grounds alone

Wtf would a doctor know about it

@Juhniallio has the lads chasing their soggy biscuits here

Answered what question?

Do you have daughters? You said that you wouldn’t allow your kids to play rugby- what about girls playing any contact sport?

The data is clear on this and there was a piece in the Irish Times on this recently.

It appears people are allowing biases get the better of them- if you are allowing your girls to play soccer or GGA but make the risk point on rugby then you either not serious about the matter or not informed:

I have two girls. They wont play rugby. I have seen first hand the effects that concussion has on kids.

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You didn’t answer the question.

Do you or will you let them play soccer or GGA?

Do you accept the risk for them in those sports?