The Rugby Thread (Part 1)

It is. A bit like a race between two slow greyhounds. Two evenly matched middling teams.

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Who is this lad in the studio with Maddie?

Ian McKinley. Dublin lad who played in Italy.

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English ref killing the jocks here the cunt.

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Ah here

Games Gone

Very harsh red. The cunt seemed to be looking for an excuse to show it

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English cunt.

I think it’s good for the game for that to be given as a red. Harsh looking but could have done serious damage. Wales going to be 2 from 2 despite mostly playing shite


English cunt
16 Vs 14 now

Wales on for the red card Grand Slam.

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He could have killed him

Yellow at worst for off his feet. He went for the gap between man on the ground and Welsh player aiming for the chest and caught nose with shoulder. Never a red

He’s delighted with himself. He’s the classic self righteous prick you expect in an English ref. Wayne Barnes is the only decent English ref I’ve ever seen.
The rubby league refs are impeccable 🤷

Hup hup

Brilliant conversion from Finn Russell.

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This lad is some finisher.

These two teams are playing rugby that Schmidt would never allow Ireland play. And it’s not like their players are on a different planet skills wise. Schmidt would drop players for attempting to make the breaks some of these lads are trying to. Schmidt set Irish rugby back to the dark ages.

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Cracking game.

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His kick afterwards was even better.

Great young winger.