The Rugby Thread (Part 1)

No mate. I think we can be pretty sure that the style of rugby Munster play was nowhere near the reasons for the 1916 Rising or the ensuing deaths.

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Leinster are an outstanding side.
The End

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Pro14 is a shocking competition. The saffers might add something more than just money

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Will be overshadowed by the soccer but Munster were shocking today.

They are very good and we will see how they do in the Beer Cup

An outstanding side would have put at least 30 points on Munster last night .


They wouldn’t. Munster are a very good side also at full strength.

Rob Penney’s style might work now with Beirne, Tom Ahern and Wycherly on the wing instead of POC and DOC.

Munster were at full strength last night and were utterly pathetic.

Hard to tell. They may have been as good as they were allowed to be. Those two teams were of an unbelievable standard. Leinster slightly better, but not much. Two of the best “club” sides you’ll ever see.

Leinster slightly better? It was as close to utter domination as you’ll see. Munster didn’t lay a glove on them

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Ah come here, Munster couldnt string a pass together.

It was, I was trying to be kind in a way, but Munster are still a fine side, much as I hate the cunts.

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Big game yesterday and they looked totally clueless to me.

I probably enjoyed watching them lose too much to be entirely objective.

They got a pasting by the Reds in Sydney Saturday evening. Reds a great watch. Thorn done incredible job turning them around.

He’s a man Munster should headhunt. Serial winner built of graft and accountability.

They were and lot of that comes down to your 10 not turning up. He’ll come good tho.

In fairness he tried the 2 4 2 system in his time at munster well ahead of the curve. Pat Lam got it working in his teams. The 16th man red army yolkles couldn’t understand not bashing it up woth 10 men and called for his head. Wanted to play the munster way I guess. Doesn’t matter what coaching ticket munster have, there is a problem with trying to implement change in the organisation. JVG has done well introducing new blood this year but went back to type with the internationals in the big games. The coaching ticket atm can’t get much better. There are ex players who are top class coach’s would be foolish to touch munster


A rugby player bringing his Covid to Dublin.