The Rugby Thread (Part 1)

What was the thinking behind starting Lowe ahead of both Earls and Larmour in 6N? Justifying project players for Nucifora?

No idea at all tbh why they were picked.

It would seem so. Then persisting with him after sub-par performances would have you question it even more.


No separating these two. Might come down to who gets the first yellow

Could see it going like last match, coming down to last kick of the game

This is as one sided a refereeing display as you’ll ever see. Clermont haven’t a hope.

Taxi for parra…

Sin é :man_facepalming:t2:

Easy write the naarative for La Rochelle Leinster semi… Gibbes and ROG vs Leinster…

Be very surprised if La Rochelle are good enough to beat them but hopefully they will play like they did yday and throw it around


Leinster will win out unless the tournament is cancelled.

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Def beat team left in it but that doesn’t always count for much

Looks it on paper alright. Most impressive this weekend.

If the rainbow cup is cancelled leinster might have no game until that weekend… Be going into it cold enoigh

The goys aren’t sitting on their hands on this one

What do fellas make of these trial laws? A majority are horseshit for TV purposes. Only one that makes sense is the captains challenge, but this will add more tmo time and reduce the crying munster fans after defeat.

My biggest gripe is with the goal line drop out to replace a 5m scrum. A real get out for defending teams. Particularly if the ball is held up over the line.

The 20 minute red card is rife for abuse too

More and more like league every day


Yup only a matter of time before the scrum is gone. Tv and money ruining the game

Iv seen it in a good few games now. I like what it is trying to do. But it doesn’t work

There will be absolute war over held up calls and its going to put the refs under more pressure. Its a territory game among other things.There’s going to be instances where in all probability, the ball has been touched down where drop outs will be awarded.

The scrum is an artwork, it gives great attacking options plus the change to walk over another team. The games not broken just broke and desperate for casual TV revenues