The Rugby Thread (Part 1)

It was £65k basic per player on the last tour to NZ with win bonuses on top, but they will be getting a good bit less this time as the money isn’t there.

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They should go on strike.

After they land. Wouldn’t want to waste all that lovely sunshine and the opportunity to escape for a bit.

If you are any use having the Lions on the CV opens up a lot of marketing opportunities… I’d say financially it is a godsend for a fella who would be inclined to milk it

The Paul Mcginley model.



That’s true too.

They tried to fuck him because he was coming back from injury

What was the logic behind furlong choosing a one year deal? It seems an absolutely mental move by him.

Should they not like give fellas two year contracts after a world cup at the start of another ‘Cycle’ and then two years out from a World Cup reasses and tie down who you want for the next two years till the end of a World Cup?

It seems to be completely amateur hour giving lads one year deals now and they could be off to France by the time a world cup comes around?

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I’d say the IRFU tried to low-ball him, arguing with some justification the Covid-19 situation.

His choice then was to accept or go elsewhere. He prob prefers Leinster/Irl than abroad and with Covid impacting finances elsewhere too there mightn’t be as much big offers floating around to make the move worth it.

One year kicks the can down the road to allow for post-Covid pay deals

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There’s always an Irish angle with French clubs in Heino finals.

I look forward to the day when David Beggy (Currie RFC, Edinburgh) gets to do his Heino final angle.

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Kevin Rowland is always up for Hiberno/Franco angle in the Beer Cup .

My favourite one is when Canadian Phil Murphy, who I think had played for Irish schools teams, was playing for Perpignan in the 2003 final at Lansdowne Road. Tickets weren’t selling well so the game was marketed to an Irish audience as Trevor Brennan’s Toulouse versus Irish Phil Murphy’s Perpignan.

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If I remember correctly there wasn’t any huge take up of tickets from that point .

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It was a great showcase for Lansdowne Road’s late lamented bucket seats.

It’ll take some coaching performance from ROG now

The inevitable red card here for the Fijian centre from La Rochelle. Savage tackle to the head.

Medard looked gaga from first contact

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