The Rugby Thread (Part 1)

The powers to be.


The Irish women rugby team are better resourced than their Scottish &. Spanish counterparts ( correct me if wrong )’

Do the Irish women’s teams in sport face any critical scrutiny

Maybe we could ask to be the equivalent of team 33?
Suppose if Delaney could not sort that out the irfu probably can’t

Delighted, no column inches or radio given over to women’s rugby world cup. Absolute scutter.

What’s the carbon footprint of the league?

Can’t be any worst than the carbon footprint of importing 4000 tonnes of peat to a country walking in it.

Too high. It needs to go. National leagues only

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Maybe they’re just not good enough

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Much like their men’s side, given the money invested, they really should be, or at least better.

Truthfully though, while I’m all for women in sport, women’s rugby is a bizarre activity

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Admittedly I’ve seen about ten minutes of women’s rugby and that was only because I hit the wrong button on the remote. Like yourself I’ve nothing against it but just dont find in any way interesting

I suppose there are no goalkeepers for misogynists like you to snigger at unlike GAA & soccer .


I’m an equal opportunities sniggerer of goalies you stook :rofl:

It’s a strange carryon

They need to get Vicky Wall in at inside centre

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Certainly an argument that more ballast is needed.

Honest mistake, forget all about your 4th team :rofl:

That Aussie blokes head in the photo reminds me of a plasticine head that some kid knocked over and someone tried to mould it back to its original design to fix it.

Shows the delusion the proud provincial supporters are really.