The Rugby Thread (Part 1)

The beginning of the end was years ago

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You’ll have a load of broken shins

Why so? Would it not just make the game safer and result in more offloads?

It should. Trials to date inconclusive.

A train of thought that this is no more than a damage limitation exercise ahead of litigation in the future.


Cheek to thigh is how you are taught. Rare you see it in pro game

I bet you are.

Carry on…

Cheek to cheek. Your face cheek to their bum cheek.

Carry On Mood GIF


Wont make a differnce. Tackler is more likely to receive head injury based on world rugby study. The issue isnt the tackle area, if tackle is using good technique but the attacking player coming in to clear the ruck illegally, from the side or off feet hitting the tackler rolling away.

New laws developed by old men who dont know the modern game

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Definitely results in more offloads, will bring the game closer to tag rugby. Not at all sure if it will make it safer as the tackler will be at bigger risk now.
The main issue is that there are a large number of amateur players in their 30s and 40s keeping clubs 2nd and 3rd teams going. They will neither have the physical capability or desire to start tackling below waist level and so will pack the game in, meaning a sharp drop in player numbers at amateur level. Rugby league might pick up a small bit from it all though.
What iv never understood is why some onus hasn’t been put on the ball carrier to carry the ball in an upright position - if they are going to decide to plough straight at opponents then they should have some responsibility in making sure they make it safe for the tackler and not be allowed dip into the tackle.
The game is up anyway - watching 2 or 3 concussions per game when we already see how retired players are suffering means all this stuff is just rearranging the deck chairs.


I dont think ive seen a concussion occur from a tackle at chest height, arms wrapped and sliiping up in contact. Only time ive seen a high tackle cause a concussion was when the tackler didnt wrap the arm (a penalty at any body height) and hit the attacker directly into the head with shoulder. Which is a red card under the current laws. Tackle height being too has very little to do with concussion.

Technique and head placement of the tackler are the issue.

@Thomas_Brady - the end is near

In the pro game

A different sport to club rugby

I’d agree with that. Technique both in the tackle and at ruck time is poor and the cause of most of the issues

If you made a rule change that you couldn’t jump to catch the ball from a kick it would remove a huge amount of the red cards and injuries from the game but id imagine would lead to shit loads more kicking then and a lottery trying to catch it

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Will ‘rugby schools’ just be called 'schools?

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There are plenty of concussions at schools level, way too many.


Sweep sweep

It pisses me off when they change laws, most of them make no sense. Like the goal line drop off. But time and time again high tackles are blamed for concussion. Its far more complex than high tackles, the risk is far greater in other parts of the game. In the pro game, where the issue is the worst these guys should be well trained to protect themselves. I know that you know you what i mean there. I think the issue with concussion does come back to poor techniques and not implementing the laws currently by refs

Dont tackle with your head, sounds obvious but compare how defensive players in american football tackle.

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Don’t see many schools games these days. Disappointing to hear. Lot of aping of the pro game going on i guess with crossover of coaches

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