The Rugby Thread (Part 1)

Lauren is a dose to be honest

Apparently 4 players died in France in 2018 from head collisions during rugby games and they brought this rule in there in 2019. That is where the RFU have taken their lead from.
In other news I see the Ireland u20 squad has been announced, 16 players from Leinster in it, 4 from Ulster and Connacht. The game seems to be dying out up here, @gilgamboa these figures kind of back up what I was saying earlier also about the type of players up here now.

Perhaps rugby should go like boxing and introduce weight limits? ie. if you’re over 16 stone you don’t play. Or some formula based on height/weight to set weight limits.

They do that in New Zealand underage

Should all players not go Petr Cech on it and wear headgear?


Head gear does nothing for not using good technique. A kick to the head will still give you a concussion.

I dont think any changes are required but application of the current laws of the game are correctly used. There will always be risk but higher risks are taken when he ref is lenient at certain aspects of the game. Off feet at ruck and dangerous entry are top examples. High tackles yes yellow card it. Move it to below the armpit, wont make too much difference to the game but make it easier to refs. No arm tackles, straight shoulders to the head are currently a straight red.

Won’t do anything for the deceleration injury either which is thought to play a large part.

The introduction of replacement players in rugby has allowed players get too big. Before subs a lad would be too big to last 80 minutes. Now he doesn’t have to.

Ban subs and player size would fall quickly.

13 a side would surely help?

More space, less tackles, less room to carry big cunts who can’t run

Nope as good as a life jacket in a car crash. Sure look it, the sport won’t be around in 30 years i guess

Subs limited to 5. Itll also force props to get smaller and more versatile to play both sides.

8 subs is ridiculous

A runner shouldn’t be allowed to lower into contact to try force more yards. An automatic penalty against if you dip at the hips. It’s almost impossible tackle a fella with the correct and safe technique when he is moving at a high speed and then lowers the hips to get a shove. If they are forced to remain upright it will allow for cleaner tackling and less head collisions

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Rugby League 13 a-side isn’t it? A move towards tag rugby could be the best solution!

Cracking game in welford road

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Peno try I’d say for the ospreys to win it

Leicester are extremely lucky there.

This has been fantastic fare

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Cracking game

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