The Rugby Thread (Part 2)

Sin E.

Adios rownetree.

This referee

He needs to see it again? It happened right in front of him in real time ffs

Fucking joke

Iā€™d check this refs Betfair account

He has given Munster nothing.

That was still stupid.

It was, but it happened right in front of him in real time. He has a perfect view.


Fuck sake. Two biggest lugs being expected to play through hands there

Crazy from Synman. Heā€™s been stone useless since he came on as well.

Ref leaving Glasgow away with murder here

Disgraceful cunt

Glasgow playing cup rugby. Munster playing sevens.

How much time wasted there ffs

How did Munster fuck up getting to a final. Itā€™s mind boggling.

Was time up there when he kicked it? Tight

Munster totally outclassed but some calls made by officials didnā€™t seem to work both ways.

He has picked the wrong team there


Not really. You could see it two weeks ago. Complacency had set in. Once thatā€™s in itā€™s harder than cancer to get out.

Leinster getting beat was only going to make it worse.

I remember Toulouse losing to Edinburgh in a Heineken cup 1/4 final and Munster had to beat Ulster and what did they do that evening they lost to Ulster.

Where is final fixed for?