The Rugby Thread (Part 2)

One swallow doesn’t make a summer. Over the last ten years it’s completely favoured Leinster and the next ten years as long as the private funding continues it’ll be the same.

Lord help you if you can’t see how everything is know rigged in Leinster favour.

It’s a fact.

You lose players and you have to bring more through.

Just stop Tim. You are making a clown out of yourself. Leinster can only field 15 players. Some will want to move on to play.

Do you want to be able to field 20 players to keep lads happy ?

It hasn’t “favoured”.

Simply the best players have been picked, and the proof has been in the pudding as regards results at national level.

In terms of sharing those resources, when Beirne played Ireland under 20s he was with Leinster. He then went through the Academy to Senior level. There wasn’t a question of him returning to Leinster as Nucifora guided him south.

Ditto with Carbery who was, at the time, the best young 10 in Europe when hand delivered.

Same goes for Jeremy Loughman and Paddy Patterson.

Conway (just retired) also came all the way through the Leinster system (despite Munster’s attempts to poach him as a schoolboy). Leinster at the time we seething he left after they put years into him.

Jäger clearly didn’t go through the Leinster post school system, but you are a beneficiary of it.

Eoghan Clarke was poached by Munster before he joined the Leinster Academy- that’s one of the only reasons that Sheehan got through so quickly at Leinster as he was behind him.

If you want me to go year by year for the last decade I can, but the point is that Munster have been massive beneficiaries of the Leinster underage and development system in the last decade. As have Ulster.

Both Munster and Ulster have also been able to sign a higher calibre of overseas player (up to this off season).

The real problem with both is that you have rolled through coaches, administrators and have belatedly sorted your underage system out. If anything, you have been too reliant on Leinster and that’s your own fault.

I read it elsewhere but Leinster are getting more out of their clubs than Limerick schools and the Munster club system in the last few years. That’s embarrassing.

I’ve no issue with the fact that players leave Leinster for the good of themselves and Irish rugby.

But it is a fact that there is a replacement cost. As with there only being a first XV, there are only so many Academy spots.

Would you ever go way with these tall tails.

Leinster have a bunch of elite level coaches players handed to them post schools.

That’s the reason Leinster are dominant. Money is dictating the results. There isn’t any of that money in other provinces.

The replacement cost :joy::joy::smiley:

Leinster have 11 players on central contracts. Losing squad member 27 is not a cost Tim.

It’s the by product of financial doping. Leinster don’t have enough games for all the players that are coming through the schools system.

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I was just looking there La Rochelle have 26 regular season games.

Leinster have 18.

11 of their best players being paid by the Irfu.

Leinster will turn the European cup into a rosenbourg situation very soon and they’ll leave the rest of Ireland a rugby wasteland.

Munster haven’t been the beneficiaries.

You can keep saying it over and over again. It won’t make it right.

Leinster have been the beneficiaries of the current system and everyone else has suffered massively.

O’Mahony is 34

6 current squad members from those schools.

Andrew Conway, Felix Jones, Robin Copeland, Ian Keatley and plenty of others preceding that in the decade before.

Munster absolutely the beneficiaries of that system, which along with their own (and the better overseas signings) should have made you far more competitive.

The question here really is why the likes of Ulster and Munster have relied on so much Leinster talent from Academy players all the way up to British and Irish Lions.

Really Connacht should have been getting more access to those types of players & the likes of Cooney and Keatley shouldn’t have been routed to other provinces.

A handful is reasonable, having nearly 20% of your squads is embarrassing.

The reason is that you have been horribly managed and invested in white elephant stadiums and overseas players.

35 in September.

2.5 years younger than O’Mahoney.

No such issues for @BruidheanChaorthainn when Murray got a new central contract ahead of JGP when he was struggling to make the Ireland 23.

How the fuck was Dan Sheehan behind that Clarke lad in Leinster’s pecking order?

Other countries can run their leagues how they want.

They have a different commercial basis including tv deals.

If they want to join in with the IRFU teams then fair enough. I’d much prefer a NFL style for rugby globally. They don’t.

I said Murray shouldn’t get one.

I said o Mahoney shouldn’t get one but nice try Tim.

He was never behind him. It’s just tims way of trying to deny the private schooled lads are at a massive advantage.

You just aren’t grasping the point.

The fact Munsters squad is full of Leinster private schooled lads is only highlighted how advantaged they are by the current system.

Munster couldn’t play their European cup 1/4 final v Toulouse in cork.

Where do Leinster play theres? Croke park.

Imagine what that game could have done for rugby in cork and Munster.

One rule for Leinster and a different rule for everyone else.

I’ve never coached rugby- and maybe DS was lacking on the technichal side and he probably has strengthened up…but holy fuck- a guy that size- who can move like that-with that speed and agility…I’ve seen young Clarke 5 or 6 times and its not even a conversation.

Rugby is a pretty niche sport. You don’t need much talent to play it to a high level, just lots coaching and fuck loads of S&C at an early stage. Monied academies basically. Most of the people that play the niche sport are in Leinster and all of the posh private schools that focus on rugby and provide the necessary coaching and S&C are in Leinster.

FFS it’s not rocket science.